101 Gardening Tips

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Should I Kill Yellow Garden Spider

You have just discovered a pesky yellow garden spider in your garden, and before you kill it, you should ask yourself, “should I kill a yellow garden spider?” These spiders, like many others, carry and capture prey very effectively, even like praying mantis. They do this by wrapping the prey in silken silk and inject it with nerve-stunting venom. The result is death for the unlucky victim.

While most people are not aware, September is National Spider Awareness Month. This is the perfect time to talk to your children about the dangers of spiders, and the ways that we can help protect ourselves and our families from them. While this may be a month of conversation about the latest salmonella scare and flu awareness, September is also the time when you should be asking yourself, “Should I kill a yellow garden spider?” Yellow garden spiders are very common, and they tend to come out more at night. While we spend a good deal of time fighting other insects in and around the home, the most dangerous insect in the garden is the one that roosts in the middle of the night, looking for warm, safe places to hide. While there are quite a few threats to the life of the common house spider, the majority of them are killed by predators, such as birds, cats and hawks.

Most people think that the most effective way to get rid of yellow garden spiders is to call a professional pest exterminator. While there are some good professional exterminators (especially if you have an infestation), there is also a dark side to exterminating this type of insect. While the spiders do leave some waste, many are harmless and can simply be removed. The problem is that many of the pesticides used to control them often cause harm or death to those who are exposed to them, particularly children and pets. When using a pesticide to combat this problem, it is best to use the most organic methods possible.

One of the most effective methods for getting rid of this species is to use a pest/pest control service. Hot shot is probably the most widely used, but there are several others that can be effective. Sprays containing hotel are a popular option for hot shot treatment. They come in a variety of strengths and are designed to penetrate the protective coating of the spider’s web. They are especially effective at eliminating webs which are more than four feet in diameter, as well as webs and trails left by adult spiders which have died.

While there is no real guarantee that a professional pest control company will find and eliminate all of your spiders, it is highly likely that many of them will. Often, you can do your own extermination work quite easily and just need to clean up any dead spiders, which can be quite messy. Many homeowners choose to clean the webs themselves before contacting a professional service. While this does not remove the spiders entirely, it will make removal of their webs easier.

Yellowstone National Park offers a program called Spiderweb Safety and Prevention. This program educates the public about spider conservation and how to prevent this species from reproducing. To do this, they suggest putting out bait for migrating spiders that will depart to lay eggs near your home. If the eggs are laid and not collected, they will hatch and in September, the newly hatched spiders will head north to their winter homes, so you can enjoy the great outdoors while avoiding a dangerous situation.

When finding the nest of this species in your yard or garden, it is important to consider if you can safely get on the ground and handle the spider. The best way to handle them is with caution. Because they are aggressive and can bite, even if they are only bit, it is important to wear gloves and old apparel, even if it is to prevent the spread of disease. These creatures are also extremely smart and have excellent memories, so you will have to do your best to not cause a scene when trying to find their egg sacs. Remember that a bite or two from this type of spider are generally not harmful unless there is broken skin.

The late summer months represent a time when you might see these creatures. Their emergence is often the first indication that the ground is not freezing and the soil is ready for them to emerge. Once they are on the move, they move very quickly and will be gone just as soon as you spot them. Since there is no need to kill this species, you might want to consider removing the eggs and avoiding a scare.

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