Most gardeners are surprised to learn that a question like “which flowers come back?” is not always easily answered. There are several factors involved, such as soil fertility, weather conditions, time of the year, the plants’ mature size and how they’re planted. However, there are some easy gardening tips for perennials that can help gardeners decide if their plants should be put in the ground each year, or if some other type of garden structure should be used instead.
Which flowers come back? Some perennials, such as crocus, daffodil, phlox, ramblers and sedum, come back every year because they bloom again in the fall. Other annuals, such as marigolds and rocket, do not return to the garden year after year.
What’s the season? Different perennials and annuals require different planting times. Some will do fine in partial shade during the summer months, while others may do better in full sun during the fall. Choose a time of year that’s best for your type of garden. For example, some plants will do well in partial shade until early spring, but might not do well at all if planted in full sun until the final few weeks of September.
Is the garden in full swing? Many flowers will only bloom once a year. Even those with longer lifespans, such as cherries, will only bloom for a few weeks throughout the season. Perennial flowers, which can last the winter to the springtime, such as crocus, marigold, rocket, and daffodil, will generally only bloom once a year, even if they’re in beautiful bloom when they come back.
Will there be many weeds in the area? Many gardeners mistakenly think that perennial plants cannot become weeds. However, certain perennial flowers and plants can sometimes form their own weed colonies. Gardeners should be careful not to let “perfect” plants develop weed colonies. A perfect plant may mean less pest control or limited bloom time for your garden.
Which flowers are most likely to be present in my garden? While perennial flowers may bloom more than one year, perennial plants are less likely to return. Beginners, intermediate gardeners, and experienced gardeners should all work on plants that will bloom more than once.
How hard will it be to maintain these plants? Annuals need little maintenance; they just need to be watered or taken out of the ground to harvest their seed. Perennials, which will live for years, need to be checked periodically to determine if they are healthy. Intermediate gardeners may decide to dig their perennials up and divide them into annuals and perennials in the future. For those who are less patient, gardening tips suggest dividing perennials every two years.
What flowers come back every year? This gardening question may be a bit confusing for those not used to gardening. Beginners should begin with plants that bloom perennially, especially those that have a short blooming period such as chrysanthemums, daffodils, irises, and violets. Intermediate gardeners may choose plants that bloom each season, especially if they also appreciate blooming flowers like orchids.
Some perennials, such as crocuses, come fully developed from the beginning and bloom for years to come. Other perennial flowers, however, bloom for only one season and then must be replanted every two years. Many gardeners, particularly those with chrysanthemums, adore perennials that bloom continuously for years on end. Yearly blooms are often difficult to maintain as well as perennials that only bloom for one season.
Choose plants that can tolerate occasional freezing or thawing. Cold-season plants are more likely to survive minor frost or thaw cycles than are perennials that bloom all year. Winter frost destroys many cold-season plants, while warm-season plants are more prone to disease during the hot summer months.
Most perennials, which come into bloom for the first time in the spring, bloom throughout the growing year, except for the time between bloom periods. Some plants, such as crocuses, have a one-year bloom period. Other flowers, such as tulips, have a two-year bloom. Which flowers come back the year after year depends on whether the plant is healthy, has adequate space for growth and experiences minimal pest pressure.
Many gardeners are surprised to discover that flowers come back every year! Certain flowers, such as tulips, come back repeatedly year after year, even when other flowers, such as daffodils or bluebells, don’t. Perennials such as rue and hydrangeas always return year after year, as do some annuals and biennials, such as marigolds. Most perennials, other than daisies, bloom only for one season.