If you are a new gardener, or just someone who likes to grow plants, you have probably wondered how to prevent the white fungus on plant soil. This fungal infection is one of the most common garden diseases and can be devastating to your favorite vegetables. The white patches found on the leaves and stems […]
Do Lawn Rollers Really Work?
What Is Eating My Tomato Plants? Common Tomato Garden Pests
What is eating my tomato plants? Is it tomatoes that have been infected with fungal diseases or bacterial infection? Well, most of the time, it is the former. If you notice that your tomato plant is succumbing to one kind of disease but not the other, chances are that both fungi are causing the problem. […]
Which Plants Are Best For Out Door Gardens?
Are you wondering which plants are best for outdoor gardens? Outdoor gardening can be very rewarding if done properly. It can also be a pain in the butt if things aren’t done right. I will share with you some gardening tips that will help you choose the right plants and keep them healthy so they […]
Should I Kill Yellow Garden Spider
You have just discovered a pesky yellow garden spider in your garden, and before you kill it, you should ask yourself, “should I kill a yellow garden spider?” These spiders, like many others, carry and capture prey very effectively, even like praying mantis. They do this by wrapping the prey in silken silk and inject […]
How Do You Treat Tomato Leaf Disease?
What Kind of Soil is Potting Soil?
So what kind of soil is potting soil? Potting soil is not just potting soil in a sense that it’s the potting material you use for your gardening. It’s a mixture or a blend of various materials, including perlite, sphagnum moss, bark, clay, vermiculite, or coconut coir, which feed the plants. The soil-free mixture is […]
Tomatoes And Potato Aphids
What is the best tomato plant pest deterrent for a home gardener? There is a whole host of different products on the market from which to choose. For this article, we will concentrate on a natural deterrent for tomato plant disease. Many tomato growers and gardeners have already discovered the benefits of chemical free pest […]
How to Prevent Garden Spider Infestation
If you believe that you may have garden spider issues, then you should immediately contact your local garden centre and tell them where the issue is. Here are several useful tips to helping you eliminate garden spider infestations from your garden. When dealing with garden spider issues, it is very important for you to not […]
How Many Types of Wheelbarrows Are There?
How many types of wheelbarrows are there? This is one question that I get asked a lot. The answer to this question depends on whom you ask it to. The history of wheelbarrows can be traced all the way back to ancient China. In ancient China, they would use their wheelbarrows for many different purposes. […]