If you are a new gardener, or just someone who likes to grow plants, you have probably wondered how to prevent the white fungus on plant soil. This fungal infection is one of the most common garden diseases and can be devastating to your favorite vegetables. The white patches found on the leaves and stems of infected plants look ugly and can destroy your entire garden in just a few weeks. Fungi do not discriminate, and they will infect just about any plant that they can get a hold of. While it can be difficult to completely eliminate white plant disease from your garden, there are several steps you can take to protect your plants from this potentially devastating fungal infection.
White spot on plant soil can form anywhere on the plant, but is most often seen on young tender plants or the fruit leaves. The fungus that causes the white spots is called Saprolegnia, and it is commonly referred to as “the silent killer”. Although it may not seem like the biggest threat to your plant health, this little fungi is one of the easiest to attack and control. Preventing the fungus on plant soil can be done fairly easy with a little education and effort.
Most plants are at risk for white fungus from two different places. The first is from an excess of Phosphorus in your garden soil. Phosphorus is the primary ingredient in fertilizers and can be toxic to many types of plants. To prevent white fungus from spreading to other plants, make sure that you use high-quality fertilizers and keep your garden free of excess Phosphorus.
Another reason that plants are at risk for white fungus is from a lack of organic nutrients. Plants use organic compounds and minerals to build their tissues and support root growth. When there is a lack of these chemicals, the plant will stop building and start dying. There are several ways to help plants in this area. Make sure that you have compost or fertilizer to give your garden the organic matter it needs.
Some plants are at risk for white fungus from a very small number of sources. Mint is often a problem for plants that are infected with Phytosei. White mold spores can be easily transmitted to plants through contact with contaminated soil. If you are growing plants in an area where white fungus is a concern, try to remove any molds that are visible. This includes mold that has formed on the stem of the plant.
Most of the time, the primary cause of white fungus on plant soil is poor sanitation practices. Always make sure to clean up spills and wash dishes immediately after use. Disinfect materials before using them on your garden. Keep a few sponges around to wipe down plant leaves and stems when you have a plant disease that is spreading. Don’t leave dead leaves lying outdoors.
Don’t use pesticides on your plant. There are many types of fungicides that work by preventing the fungal organisms from reproducing. The best way to protect your plants against fungal diseases is to prevent the fungal organisms from getting to your plants in the first place. Keep your garden moist. Water regularly but do not over-water. Don’t over-fertilize your plants either.
Preventing white fungus on plant soil is not always easy. There are some steps you can take to reduce your risk of attracting this plant disease. Follow the recommendations in this article to keep your plants healthy. Be sure to also check out my other articles for additional information on how to prevent this type of plant disease. Remember that prevention is the key to avoiding costly plant disease.