What’s so interesting about black ants? The black color of these insects is one of their most attractive features. They can be seen lurking around dark, moist areas like underneath the eaves of a home, in old and new brick walls, along fence lines and in mulch. Black ants are very difficult to get rid of because their bodies are very resilient and they often build a raft of mud tunnels in order to protect themselves from being taken away. But if you want to know how to prevent black garden ants from being a problem in your garden, there are a few things that you can do.
In order to keep black ants out of your garden, it’s important to understand how they’re coming in to begin with. When warm weather and moisture combine, black ants (also called “Spermavicular” ants or “Cimicidae”) come out of their winter hibernation and begin searching for food. This means that your home is a perfect environment for them to find and take advantage of all the food that you have left behind as a result of your gardening. If you want to know how to prevent black garden ants, you have to learn how they enter and leave the garden in order to keep them out.
In order to keep black ants from building a mud tunnel to protect themselves, you have to seal up the entrances to your garden. This can be accomplished by laying plastic or mesh over the entrances to prevent moisture and food from seeping in and accumulating there. This is one of the easiest, cheapest, and fastest ways to stop black ants from coming and building a mud tunnel.
Another way to prevent black ants from coming is by keeping food near the soil. This might seem obvious, but it’s surprising how many gardeners don’t do this. As you may already know, black ants are drawn to foods that are warm and full of moisture, so leave some of your moist fruits and vegetables out in the sun to ensure that you’re providing them with an abundant source of food. You can also try putting your dry, live seed packets into a jar or Tupperware container with water inside. Just be sure that the jars aren’t sealed or they will provide the ants with a source of water and moisture.
In order to stop black ants from visiting your garden, the best way to prevent them is by using baits. You can buy baits at your local garden store or online. Baits can deter garden ants in many ways. Some baits can repel ants by repelling them back to their burrows while others can deter ants by tricking them into thinking that the bait is harmless.
There are some natural remedies that you can use to learn how to prevent black garden ants. One very easy way to keep black ants away from your garden is to create a compost pile right next to your garden. If you leave your compost in the open, you will attract black ants because the scent of compost attracts them. If you place the compost pile on a slope, however, you will discourage ants from entering the pile.
Another very simple way to prevent black garden ants from ruining your garden is to make sure that your garden is kept free of debris. Dead leaves and branches can make perfect nests for ants and can easily kill plants if not taken care of quickly. A great way to keep your garden free of dead foliage is to rake and pick up any fallen leaves and branches. You should also check your garden’s soil regularly to make sure that it is free of any debris. If you keep your garden clean, you will prevent black ants from building their nest close to your plants and you will be able to enjoy your garden undisturbed.
One word of caution about black ants, though; they do not like the smell of garlic. If you find yourself with a garden full of garlic, take a few cloves of garlic, squeeze them, and put them in a zip lock bag. Then, throw the bag in the trash. Now, the only thing you have to worry about is how to prevent black garden ants. By making sure that your garden is free of debris, piles of rotting wood, and dead leaves, you will be able to enjoy your garden without having to worry about black ants.