101 Gardening Tips

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How to Prevent Black Garden Ants

Black ants are the most common garden pest around. They are more attracted to human gardens than any other type of garden pest and will often invade houses as well as other buildings in a neighborhood. The black ants’ scientific name is Solenopsis pombe. There are two species: Solenopsis lecithous and Solenopsis citronella.

How to prevent black ants from invading your garden can be quite easy if you know how to prevent them from getting in the first place. Most black ants are Carpenter Ants. Carpenter Ants uses secretions from their mouth to mark their nests. If there is a hole in the ground, the Carpenter Ants will build their nest right next to it. If you have a garden, try to fill that hole with something that is not toxic like sawdust or wood chips.

Ants are attracted to human food. When there is a lot of food to be had, the ants will show up in large numbers. This happens when people have parties or gatherings in their gardens or back yards. While it is true that you will find most ants looking to get into your garden to get the food that you put out, there are also instances when ants are looking to get out will move from the garden to the nearby yard.

Ants will not always look for food. A popular garden myth is that the ants that show up after a rainstorm are hungry and looking for a drink. But, in fact they will simply use the puddle of water that was left behind. To keep black ants from appearing in your yard, use an insecticide around plants and bushes. And, while there is a natural plant anticide called plant mannitol that you can use on your plants, it should not be used near the garden.

Some people mistakenly believe that if you keep your yard clear of debris, then the ants will not enter your garden. However, keeping your yard clear of debris is one way of how to prevent black garden ants from entering your yard. Just don’t put mulch where ants can access it and keep your garden and yard mowed so that it does not get very thick.

Another common myth about black garden ants is that you can never get rid of them. While there are a variety of different approaches that you can take to keep black ants from entering your garden, like any other pest, it is impossible to eradicate all pests. No matter how many treatments you use, black ants will always find a way to get into your garden and spread their population.

The best way to prevent black ants is to make sure that your garden is kept clean. For instance, if there is a plant that has become damaged or discolored, trim it back to the point where it is barely noticeable. Then apply insecticide on it, but do not spray it directly onto the garden. Instead, use a soapy water solution and water the damaged area only. Wait a day and see if the black ants have made a home for themselves in the soapy water.

One method of how to prevent black garden ants from getting into your yard is by using natural repellents. These sprays are designed to repel pests rather than kill them. Some of these sprays contain ingredients that have been proven to repel black ants. You can easily purchase these sprays at your local garden store or online.

A second method of how to prevent black ants invading your yard is to get rid of vegetation that is growing around the perimeter of your garden. This includes bushes and vines, as well as trees. By doing this, you will be cutting off their food supply. You might also consider getting rid of surrounding vegetation as well. After you have gotten rid of everything else, you will need to get more animals to take care of the colony. You could send out animals such as dogs, cats, horses or even birds to keep the ants away from your garden.

Last, but not least, the most effective method of how to prevent black garden ants from getting into your yard is to contact a local ant control company. There are companies that specialize in this service. They can do the job quickly and efficiently so that you don’t have to worry about the ants in your yard for much longer. If you’re ready to finally get rid of these horrible creatures in your yard, contacting a local company is one of the best ways to go about it.

Hopefully, after reading this article, you’ll be better prepared with how to prevent black ants from invading your yard. If you have black ants, it’s definitely time to take action to get rid of them. But, before you start calling in the professionals, make sure you know how they live, why they’re there and how to get rid of them. With the information you have, you’ll be better prepared to stop them in their tracks. Good luck!

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