What is it, you might ask. A form of plant disease called black spot is harmless to human but very dangerous to the tomato plants, it infects. It thrives in hot and humid conditions that are not adequately treated or prevented. It attacks fruit bearing plants during their late growing season.
The normal course of action for a plant suffering from tomato spot is to hide it until the outbreak is over. To prevent spreading of this plant disease, it is necessary to isolate infected plants and prevent people from touching them. Keep your hands clean at all times. This will help keep you from spreading this disease to other plants nearby.
Black spot develops in green plants by means of fungi or viruses that attack photosynthesis. They can be transmitted by human or animal sweat, saliva or urine. The fungi causing black spots to develop affect the lower portion of a plant’s leaves. The underside of leaves is where you will find the black spot. The spot may appear as tiny spots which later develop into dark spots.
This plant disease has affected many types of tomatoes over the years. Black spots appear on the leaves of tomatoes more often during summer months when they are exposed to high temperatures and rains. The diseases can also affect green crops like peas and beans. The spots appear on the plant’s lower leaves, middle and top leaf surfaces.
This type of plant disease is caused by a fungi known as Botrytis Blight. This specific type of fungus attacks tomato plants at their leaf nodes. The fungus damages the plant’s leaves by destroying its vascular system. This leads to wilting of the plant and eventually to death. However, the fungus may still be alive and if it infects other plants, the results may vary.
It is easy to detect if your tomatoes have been affected by this plant disease. A black spot that slowly grows over the leaves of your plant looks like small mushrooms. This is also a sign that the plant has already succumbed to death. Another symptom of the presence of this fungal infection is a yellowish discoloration of the lower portion of the plant’s leaves.
You must act quickly once you notice any indication that your tomatoes have contracted this is it black spot on tomato leaves disease. The longer you wait, the harder it is to treat the affected plants. Discolored or yellowish leaves and the development of black spots and holes on plant leaves are some of the early signs of plant disease.
The fungus spreads easily from one plant to another on a plant. It is very hard to stop this fungus from spreading since it is very contagious. Human error or even careless handling of the infected plant might cause contamination to other plants nearby the area where the affected plant is located. If caught in time, the fungus can be controlled easily with the appropriate medication.
In order to effectively control this is it black spot on tomato leaves plant disease, the area should be isolated and clean. The surrounding area of the black spot on the plant should be washed thoroughly. There is no specific treatment for this is it black spot on tomato leaves fungus. There are several ways on how to get rid of this plant disease.
First, the affected plant should be destroyed. The extent of the damage will depend on how severe the case of is it black spot on tomato leaves fungus is. You can choose to burn or use a blower to eliminate the plant. However, if the affected plant is not that big, then it is advisable to just pull it. Then, if the area surrounding the affected plant is dark, then using a flashlight can help you see the fungi better. But if you can’t do it by yourself, then better bring a good hand spray with you so that you can also help you in determining the source of the fungus infection.
When the spot is already dark, then you can already apply fungicide on the infected plant. This is the easiest way on how to get rid of is it black spot on tomato leaves plant disease. However, you have to make sure that you are using the right type of fungicide.
You should also make sure that you are doing the right cleaning process when dealing with this is it black spot on tomato leaves fungus. In cleaning process, you must first wash the area of the plant with soap and water. Then, the leaves and stems of the plant should be rinsed very well to prevent any contamination from the fungus. Make sure that you don’t forget to put the plant into a container to keep it dry and safe from the extreme temperature during the drying process.