101 Gardening Tips

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How Do I Get Rid of Black Ants?

How do I get rid of black ants in my garden? This is one question many people ponder when they realize that they have an infestation problem. Black ants have been a common problem and have been linked to poor nutrition, blood poisoning and even death. If you live in the southeastern United States or parts of Mexico and Central America and you see black ants in your yard, there are two ways you can remove them. You can use natural methods or use commercial products to kill the black ants.

The first step you should take in learning how do I get rid of black ants in my garden is to identify the species you have. Each type of black ant has a different name meaning that may help you to better identify them. A quick trip to your local library or the internet can provide you with additional information. You can also search the internet for photographs and videos of black ants in your area.

After learning how do I get rid of black ants in my garden you need to learn how to prevent future infestations. This can be accomplished by creating a barrier between your yard and the outside world. For example you can screen your flower beds. Or you can line your walkways with wood, bricks, lumber or large stones. By creating a physical barrier between your yard and the outdoors you will help prevent black ants from getting in.

Some black ants have the ability to jump really high. They have been known to reach up to 6 inches off the ground. The best way to prevent them from getting in your home is to prevent them from coming in the first place. One of the most common ways that people find out how do I get rid of black ants in my garden is because they see their black colony walking around. If you see them walking around it means one thing: they are ready to move on to greener pastures.

But how do you get rid of black ants in my garden if you already have them? Sometimes black ants don’t just come out of the ground. They can also be introduced into a new home. The best way to prevent this is to prevent the introduction of new animals into your yard. Make sure that you do not allow them to climb up on your plants or even walk around your plants if you have ants.

How do I get rid of black ants in my garden is also determined by how much light they can get? If you live in a shady area then you want to make sure to use lighting that provides good illumination. This can be accomplished by using a fluorescent light fixture as well as an artificial source of light. These types of lights will create a nice soft light that will not scare the black ants away. It also helps if you place several small containers with food and water where the black ants will find food and water.

Keeping the soil around the perimeter of your home clean is another way to get rid of them. You should also check out your local library for books or magazines on how to exterminate them. Using natural baits is also an option you can consider. Just make sure to put these items in a sealed container and take them out when you no longer need them.

Getting rid of black ants is something that you can try on your own. But if you really do not want to go through all of that then you can also ask a professional exterminator to get rid of the black ants in your yard. Once you have had success with an extermination you can get back to enjoying the fruits (and vegetables) that your yard has to offer. Plus, you will have done the job of protecting yourself and your family from dangerous ants. However, if you feel like your efforts are not yielding the results you want, you can always turn to professionals to get rid of black ants.

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