Planter boxes are the perfect gardening tool for those who like to plant high and plan their gardens to avoid drainage problems. There are several reasons why they are important but one of the biggest reasons is that they can prevent soil erosion. A properly set-up box will not allow water or any other liquid to seep through and damage the ground around it. These types of gardening tools have a very deep plastic base and a thin wooden top with an opening on the bottom.
Gardening tools such as these planter boxes do need drainage holes in them. This is important because not having good drainage can cause your plants to get drown and cause you to have more work removing them later on. Without a good drainage system your plants could easily get soaked and drown if the roots are trying to get the water they need. Plants that are placed in pots without any drainage holes will often die because they cannot take in as much water.
If your pots do not have any good drainage capacity, you should consider having some holes drilled before you place them in the ground. The easiest way to go about doing this is by buying a kit that contains all the necessary materials and instructions. They are sold at most gardening stores and sometimes even online.
Another reason why you need to have good drainage capacity is because they will allow water to spread out more evenly throughout your garden. This means the plants you place in them will have better growth levels. Also, if you have a larger garden you will not have as much of a problem with excess water sitting on the rocks in your raised bed. This excess water will eventually lead to mold in your plants if you do not find a way to contain it.
There are many advantages to using planter boxes for raised garden beds. First of all you will be protecting your plants from extreme temperatures. This is especially useful if your garden has high levels of humidity from rain or snow. Also, since your planters are above ground they will be more sheltered from the wind and any extreme changes in temperature.
Many people have a problem with their planter boxes becoming flooded because of too much water draining into them. If this happens you may notice the roots of your plants getting drowned. In fact, when you place the soil in a planter box you can end up with root rot because excess water will erode the porous surface. So, to prevent this from happening, you should place your planters in a raised bed with some drainage holes. You should also check regularly to make sure there are no cracks in your foundation so water can drain properly.
Most gardeners who use raised beds with soil-less media (paradise grass, perlite, vermiculite, coconut coir) have found that their soil-less media tends to retain moisture better than traditional soil-based media. This means that it is important to place your planters on a good drainage system and keep their pots in good condition. You can use a plastic tube or a wire mesh to help keep your soil-less media from draining as well as placing larger rocks (pot Rocks) or wood pieces (wood chips) on the soil-less media to help keep it in place. It is also a good idea to place small rocks around the base of each planter as well.
If you are using soil drainage holes on your raised garden beds you should place a screen over them at the same time you are putting your planter boxes in the ground. This way any water that would have drained away will now pool on the screen instead. This can easily be done by putting boards or large sticks up in the air between your raised bed’s soil drainage holes. However, if your planter boxes are sticking out from the bed it may be better for you to wait until the soil drainage holes are in place before putting the actual pots in the ground.