101 Gardening Tips

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Do it Yourself For Flower Pot and Faux Gallon Planterboxes

Want to save some money, do it yourself for a flower pot. Do you love looking at those old flower pots you see out in the garden? How about transplanting Kalanchoes from the yard into the flower pot. Think these pots are just perfect for a Kalanchoe plant. Here are some useful tips:

– Use only non-slip plastic matting soil. The matting soil will be your foundation, keeping the flower pot in place and allowing the soil to drain properly. Buy a nice plastic flower pot with a good drainage hole. To prevent mold, line the inside of the pot with a damp newspaper. Don’t over water the plants.

– Purchase only the best potting soil, and don’t skimp on quality. The potting soil that is not heavy duty will crack easily, and the roots may not penetrate it properly. Heavy duty pots have heavy porcelain linings which are more durable and will last longer than cheaper flower pots. A lightweight plastic pot will break much quicker, and it’s not as strong. Be sure to clean the bottom of your do it yourself for flower pots every time you empty or refill them. This will help prevent bacteria growth and odors.

– Get quality pruning shears. A sharp pair of gardening tools such as a pair of thin stainless steel pruners will do a fine job cutting back the thickest stems. Thicker stems can become damaged by snipping at them with a sharp knife. If you are going to be gardening with other people, ask if they have any special pruning shears they recommend.

– Get the right gardening tools. Pruning shears works wonders when you’re trying to thin tall growing plants, like cactuses or rocket trees. But don’t forget your watering cans and hose, too. An old garden spray paint can looks pretty, but it’s not sturdy enough to handle all the extra weight of the spray paint. Spray paint can break easily if you try to use it on an oblong flower pot that’s too heavy for the nozzle.

– Create good drainage. Most flower pots will start to leak some when they are filled with soil. It’s usually nothing serious, but it’s something you do have to keep in mind. To create good drainage, dig a hole underneath your flower pots’ base, and then fill with dirt or sand until the hole is big enough that you can remove some of the soil in the bottom, and place a big pillow of sand or soil at the bottom.

– Protect your plants. A nice piece of glass will protect your plant from getting hurt by the sides of the pot, but it won’t stop hungry insects or animals from digging in. If you want to plant taller plants, like tulips, be careful about how much soil you put in the bottom of the container. Taller plants will sometimes grow on top of the soil, and if you’ve put in too much, they might break off. You could just as easily dig a hole under the plant, fill with soil, and put the plant in the hole.

The biggest thing is to take care of your plants. Flower pots, especially flower pots with tight drainage, really help plants to thrive. But plants will thrive even better when you do it yourself for flower pots. Use these tips, and you should find that it’s easy to do it yourself for flower pots.

– You can paint your flower pots, or you can use stencils. Paints come in all kinds of colors, so you can choose between painting flowers, landscapes, abstract designs, etc. There are also plenty of stencils available so that you can paint everything from cartoon characters to nature scenes, just to name a few. You could also just use a plain piece of paper and just write whatever words you want, no one will know what it’s supposed to say.

– If you have to report, make sure you use a pot with good drainage. You don’t want your plant to drown. You also want to make sure that you use the right type of pot. Some flower pots are made to be deep, others are shallow, and still others are both deep and shallow. So check out how deep each pot is before you buy it. Flower pots with poor drainage won’t last very long, and you’ll probably end up having to repot.

If you’re trying to repaint your flower pots and faux galvanized planter boxes, then make sure you do the entire thing outdoors. Don’t paint outside. It may look great when the sun is shining, but when the sun goes down, your paints will begin to fade. If your flower pot and faux planter were purchased at a gardening center, then it’s likely that they have protective coatings applied. This means that the paint has been specifically treated to be able to withstand rain, sun, and bleach. If it was a DIY project, then you might try painting it outdoors before applying the coatings, or you can do the whole project inside.

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