101 Gardening Tips

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What Kind of Soil is Potting Soil?

So what kind of soil is potting soil? Potting soil is not just potting soil in a sense that it’s the potting material you use for your gardening. It’s a mixture or a blend of various materials, including perlite, sphagnum moss, bark, clay, vermiculite, or coconut coir, which feed the plants. The soil-free mixture is often preferred since soil brings many types of microorganisms and fungi which are the cause of diseases in plants. The main purpose of this mixture is to create a favorable environment for the healthy growth of the plants.

There are two primary parts in the process of making this type of gardening soil. The first part is determining what kind of materials will be used to make up the final product. For instance, you might choose to purchase compost which is rich in nitrogen or you might choose to purchase rocks with good water retention qualities. Some people are more into using compost or decomposed granite stones, while others prefer decomposed clay or perlite. Both of these options are excellent choices as they provide nutrients and moisture to the plants without draining away the moisture and nutrients that the plants need.

After choosing what kind of materials will be used, the next step in making a soilless mix is to set up the soil. To do this, you’ll need a shovel, a pot, and some soil bags or ballast. Make sure that you place the soil bags or ballast in one area of the potting soil so that it’s completely covered. When the area has been set up, begin digging a hole with your spade. Once the hole is dug to the depth of an inch or less, you’ll begin mixing your soil.

In most cases, it’s not necessary to mix very much compost when making potting soils. Many gardening books advise you to get started with one third of the bag or ballast as a base. What this means is that for every three to five bags or balls, you’re creating a medium that will slowly release nutrients throughout the gardening season. This allows plants to get the maximum amount of moisture, nutrients, and trace minerals.

To create a fine natural soil, start off with a high quality ballast. Your ballast can be anything from whole corn kernels to whole pea gravel. The important thing is to not use any clay or other mineral-based products in your mix.

Most natural garden soil contains about two percent sand, but most commercial mixes are made from fifteen to twenty-five percent sand. Clay soil will absorb water, and it also can’t dry quickly enough to prevent it from drying out. It can also hold on to moisture in it, so add a water-retaining granular sand mix to any planters you have. If you have a sandy garden soil, you’ll need to add a couple of inches of organic sand. This will help to improve your plants’ water-retention ability and will keep weeds from taking over your whole garden. Other nutrients your cacti mixes should contain include potassium and magnesium, which improve drainage, insect and disease resistance, and the growth of healthy, strong roots.

Many successful gardeners make use of what they refer to as “natural weed killers”. These products come in many forms such as liquids, sprays, and tablets. Not all weed killers are created equal, however. While there are some blends that will effectively kill both cyanobacteria and arthropods, many contain what is called “black gold,” which doesn’t really get rid of weeds, but rather depletes the soil’s natural levels of potassium and magnesium, leaving the soil susceptible to disease and other problems. Weed killers designed for plants, like what you find in commercial blends, are best left in the garden for two weeks before spreading to ensure complete weed control.

Your plants’ health depends on the pH level of your garden soil. High pH levels are necessary for the development of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria that produce food for the plants. However, too low a pH level is alkaline, which favors the growth of pathogenic fungus, which can cause serious problems for your plants. So to avoid fungus problems, make sure you’re adding the proper amount of essential nutrients and avoiding what is commonly known as “black gold” weed killers. The fungus is usually found in areas of your garden that are moist, such as around rocks or timber. So to prevent pathogenic fungi from taking hold in your garden soil, be sure to aerate and water your plants well when they’re growing.

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