Why do we have the fear of the yellow garden spider? While the spider has become a natural and popular pest control and has even been used for landscaping and for controlling firewood, it is still one we should be wary of. It can be a real danger to small children, to elderly persons, to those with arachnophobia (fear of spiders), and just about anyone else outside your safety zone. While there are several myths surrounding the Garden Spider, here are some real reasons to be afraid, and some real ways to get rid of this pest problem!
The most common reason people say they fear them is because the garden spiders leave darter (or egg) webs in the middle of your yard. This can be a real problem to your home. If you have a small child or pet in your yard, that person could get bit. It can also make it very unsafe for other household members or even visitors who might wander in and see the spider. The longer these webs are left, the more the threat becomes to your safety.
Another common reason to be afraid of the garden spider is because they are poisonous. While there are some truly dangerous spiders out there that can cause a lot of trouble, there is no poisonous spider in the United States. There are two types of garden spider in the United States, black widows and brown recluses. The black widow is considered to be the most poisonous.
Why do so many people say they are afraid of the yellow garden spider? While there are several reasons, one big one is that it is really very tough to actually get rid of them in the yard. If you have a large yard or live in an apartment or a house with a deck, you will typically need to use a pest control service. They will use pesticides and sometimes traps to get rid of garden spiders. However, most of the time the only way to kill them is to cut off their supply of food.
When dealing with the garden spider, if you want to go about preventing it from being around, there are several things you can try. There are several things you can do to discourage spiders from nesting in your yard. The first is to make sure your grass is mowed short, because spiders like to walk on the grass and lay their eggs near it. You can also place rocks around the perimeter of your yard, but watch for those with droppings that are moist and start to decompose quickly, as those spiders will likely be attracted to that and start building their webs there.
There is another way to prevent garden spiders from getting to your plants and seeds. This method involves putting mothballs near your plants. You will need to put the mothballs two to three inches underground, where they will stay and lay their eggs. You can also put the mothball cans outside where you see the most garden activity, such as when kids are playing or your cat goes out. This is a very effective method to deter garden spiders. Just remember that you will need to reapply the mothballs every so often to keep the spiders away.
There are many other methods of getting rid of garden spiders, but they are mostly difficult and expensive. You can hire someone to professionally do one of these methods, which can be quite costly, or you can buy a garden spider repellent that is available at most gardening supply stores. This type of repellent works by putting chemicals in your soil that repel spiders and other insects. It might take a few years for this type of treatment to be necessary, but it will be worth it in the end, as the spider population in your garden will decrease substantially.
I would say that there is nothing to be afraid of with garden spiders, unless you want to get bitten! A lot of people, myself included, have tried using vinegar to get rid of garden pests like crickets and flies. Although it worked for a while, it seemed to make the problem worse. Also, vinegar may contain fruit pits and other bacteria that can be harmful to humans, especially children. You should do some research on vinegars and decide if you want to try vinegar as a form of pest control.