What is the question that keeps asking in your mind, “What do the flowers come back again this year?” The answer to this question varies from one person to another. For instance, if you have a large garden which has been cultivating annual plants for several years, you will not find the answer to this question as tough as it is for people who have established a small garden which has many perennials. Let me share with you some gardening tips.
The first gardening tip I can share with you is about the perennial plants. If you have established a small garden, then you may think that perennial plants are not an appropriate choice. However, the truth is that these plants play a very important role in your gardening system. If you want to plant perennial flowers or shrubs, then there are certain tips you need to know.
Most of the perennials bloom during two periods. Firstly, they bloom during the spring and secondly, they bloom during the autumn. As these plants live for a longer time period, they have numerous seeds. Therefore, when you prune or remove their blooms, you are adding new seeds that bloom again.
Moreover, most plants also produce seeds at a certain time of the year. Therefore, if you want to have plants that bloom continuously for one year, then you need to plant those which have seeds that do not wilt or die quickly. On the other hand, if you want to have plants that bloom and wither rapidly, then you should plant such plants which have blooms that last for a longer time period. These plants include Java fern, epiphytic polysaccharides, jicama, phlox, ruell and spirea. On the other hand, there are some perennials that produce blooms which wither very soon after their growth, such as clematis, phlox, liatris, iris, phlox, gladiolus, lily.
Irrespective, of whether you want to have perennials which bloom for one year only or those that bloom continuously, you need to plant them accordingly. For example, winter squash needs to be planted in shaded areas so that they do not face sun. If you do not provide shady areas for your plants, they will face the risk of sun burning. In case of perennials, you can ensure that they are placed in shady areas and you can also place a pot in the garden to shelter them from cold.
It is true that all the plants that grow easily and which do not require frequent trimming should be plucked. However, you need to ensure that the flowers which bloom frequently do not get plucked because otherwise they will go extinct. You should also consider the type of flowers that you have and the position in which they bloom because if you do not plant them properly, you will not be able to enjoy them at all. If you are confused about which flowers come back every year, you can consult any gardening book and it will help you choose the right plants.
When you want to know what the flowers that come back every year look like, you should take a close look at the center plant. The blooms on this plant are usually large and they last for quite some time. Another good option is to buy annuals that bloom for one year only. This way, you will not be required to replant the flower plants each year and you can enjoy its freshness.
In case you do not enjoy the flowers of your choice and you want to save them for next year, you can consider storing them properly. You can put them in a glass jar with a few pieces of silica which will keep them safe from heat and light. Once you remove the flowers from their containers, you should put them in an air tight container so that they stay healthy and fresh. What you need is just some time and a little bit of creativity to find out what the flowers that come back every year really look like.