If you have not done much gardening before, you may not realize some of the gardening tips that are out there. You may not be able to plant an herb garden in the very traditional way, but with a few tips on how to do herb gardens like sun or shade, you should be able to do it. Some of these gardening tips are easier to do than others. All of them are simple, so if you are new, they will all seem like a breeze to you.
The first tip that is easy to do is that you will need to plan out your garden. This means that you will need to know the types of herbs that you want to plant and then you will need to figure out how much space you have for planting. Sometimes you will only need to plant two or three herbs if you are going to grow them indoors. You will also have to decide what kind of container that you will use so that your plants will be properly nourished.
Some herbs do better in sunlight, while other herbs do better in the shade. For example, mint does better in the sunlight but will not grow properly at all if you do not have sunlight. Other herbs do better when you plant them in containers, especially if you do not have a sunny location for them. Sage will go wonderful if you plant them in a pot on the kitchen windowsill. Other herbs will not do as well if you plant them in pots.
Another thing that you will need to decide is whether you will be using soil from the ground or if you will be using containers. Do you want to use grass clippings? There are many different kinds of grass clippings that you can purchase at any store that sells herbs. If you are not sure which one you want to use, you can also check the Internet for suggestions.
Next you will need to choose between perennial and annual herbs. Annual herbs can be planted every year, whereas perennial herbs must be sown each year. Once they are planted, you cannot remove them until the following year. Perennial herbs are easy to grow and are great additions to any garden. They do not need to be removed all that often.
Most people that do herb gardens like sun or shade. However, if you do want herbs that will grow well in either type of soil then you will need to do a little research before you plant them. Just because an herb likes the sun or shade does not mean that it will do well in either one. Sometimes you will need to do some testing to find out which type of soil will suit your herbs the best.
You should also make sure that you are planting the herbs that you will be using regularly. You will need to do some research on each herb to know how much water, sunlight and nutrients that they need. If you plant a lot of herbs that are hardy plants then you may not have to do any testing. However, most herbs do require more maintenance than most other plants.
As you can see, there is no right or wrong way to do herb gardening. It all depends on what you are looking to get out of your garden. Sun or shade? What size garden? All these questions should be answered before you start.
If you are going to plant herbs in a container then you need to decide if you want to buy seeds, or if you are going to plant them from scratch. Sunlight is easier to maintain for plants that don’t have a hardier root system. On the other hand, shade loving herbs need more shade. You may have to move your plants during the summer to avoid too much sun or too much rain.
Once you decide what you want to do, you need to start digging. Do the holes in the ground about one inch deep. This will allow the roots to get a good amount of water as well as oxygen. Make sure that your pots are wide enough so that your herbs will be able to spread out a bit. If you do herb gardens like sun or shade then you will need to be even more careful.
Sun or shade loving herbs are very easy to grow, and they also make wonderful indoor plants. The first step is to determine where you want to plant each type, and then the process is simply to keep them watered. They can be planted in a variety of ways, including, by a trellis, inside a larger container, or even on a patio. Keep in mind that herbs do best when they receive a lot of sunlight and that watering them often will help the process along.